Vince Recommends…

So the other day I was eating breakfast with two of my friends and I mentioned the movie Memento. Both said they hadn’t seen it. I was incredulous. Neither has been in a coma for the past ten years. Both enjoy movies. I told them it was by Chris Nolan. They both knew who he…

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Vince Recommends…

Why “Vince Recommends…” Because you’re dying to know what I think, that’s why. Because you have trouble sleeping at night wondering what you’re missing that I’m enjoying, that’s why. Because the universe demanded it, that’s why. What do I recommend this week? Well, I’ve recommended a restaurant, a drink, an airline, and probably some other…

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Vince Recommends…

So last year I spoke all over the country. I get asked to do this kind of a lot, but I have to say no pretty often because as a pastor I need to be at my church. But last year we were living in Vegas and had the launch team for a church but…

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