What God is doing at Verve continues to amaze me. Like seriously amaze me. This was one of our coolest weekends yet – not because the music was good or the message was practical or we had a cool vibe – but because lives are being radically changed.

Like on Sunday six people who have just given their lives to Christ were baptized. One of them was a student at UNLV who before coming to Verve had been to church I think twice in his life, and hated it, which left him with no interest in ever going back. Another was a lady who began her story by telling us, “I haven’t been to church in 28 years.” Another was a tattoo artist who has never been to church in his life. Another was a guy (and his wife – they got married on Friday!) who we met through his being in a freak show wrestling show. Another guy who is in a biker gang with Tommy. (Tommy would say it’s not a gang, whatever.)

Six people who I’d say you wouldn’t find in any other church in the country, but God led them all to Verve – and they’re the most shocked of all about it. Six people who encountered the radical grace of God and His offer of perfect love, and how do you say no to that? Six people who lives are being turned upside down by Jesus. Amazing. And I can’t wait to see what God does next. You talk about thanksgiving? I’m just thankful that I get to be a part of this.


  1. Mike Meskel on November 28, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    This right here is why I LOVE Verve.