Why Aren’t We Happy? – The Sequel
Yesterday I wrote that we’re not happy because we’re not doing life with God. But I think there is a kind of unhappiness for some who are doing life with God. It’s people who are with God, but it leads to nothing.
Benjamin Disraeli (the former Prime Minister of England) said, “Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” I think there’s a lot of truth in that. People who have faith in God, but don’t put it into action, tend to be some of the most miserable people in the world. It’s the ultimate waste, and you can feel it in your bones.
If you’re not happy, how could you put your faith in action? Do it.
Very well said. I know that is certainly true for me. Action brings me closer to God for sure. Faith actions can be the hardest steps to take, but worth the relationship reward.
Maybe happiness shouldn’t even be the goal. Contentment is a much better realization.
Perhaps each human has something in them that longs for the divine and in some inexplicable way we all are built for a place that is not yet. Maybe our lack of happiness is simply a sign that we were made for more.