How I Know I’m STUPID

I don’t exactly set my speaking schedule. It’s one area of my life where I’m more reactionary. If someone asks me to speak I consider the topic, look at my schedule, talk to my wife, pray about it, and then decide. More than not I say yes, but I have said no to a lot of opportunities, including some I really wanted to say yes to (like speaking at a national pastor’s conference last year in India).

So … what I’m about to tell you wasn’t intentional, but I could have said no. But I didn’t. I said yes, to, this winter (“winter” is the operative word, keep it in mind) traveling to … Winnipeg, Canada, Kansas, and South Dakota.

Holy Jack Frost, I am going to die.


  1. Paul Urban on January 9, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    As one living in Michigan . . . yup, you’re stupid. But then again, what am I for living here?!!!