Take a Risk

Two weeks in a row I’ve spoken at the chapel services at a Bible College. (In Nebraska and Kentucky.) (I only speak in major urban centers.) It’s a very cool honor getting to speak to young people who have decided they want to follow Jesus and have most of their lives still in front of them.

You might wonder: What does Vince say when he gets a chance to speak to Bible College students? (Ok, you probably weren’t wondering that, but it’s what I want to write about, so it would help me if you went with it.)

So, what is it? Well, in a nutshell…

God has a calling for everyone’s life. I think you’re here because you’re trying to respond to, or discern, God’s calling. God calls many people in the Bible. How many does He call, does He give a task to, and they respond, “Yeah, I can do that”? None. God always calls people to something that seems beyond them, bigger than them. And the calling always induces fear. But people who please God, people who end up getting their stories told, move through that fear in faith. They do whatever God is calling them to. They take the risk. They take the risk because they know the return will be worth it, and because they know they’re not alone – God will be with them. So, you do that. Take the risk. Do what God calls you to do. Be bold. Rely on God so you can go beyond and bigger. Make your life about that.

And all of that applies to you too, no matter who you are. So re-read that, but this time not like it’s what Vince would say to Bible college students, but to you. Because it’s for you. And it’s for me. (And we should be really grateful for that.)