I Prove Evolution

I realize that some strict creationists aren’t going to like this but … I have been doing some scientific research and I can now prove evolution. It’s true. And I am about to do it. So, ready? During the Neolithic Age, perhaps sometime around 9,000 B.C., people started eating slices of bread with meat or…

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Meet "Lucky"?

I read a story from Sydney, Austrailia where a 3-year-old-male koala was struck by a car and carried for seven miles with his head and arm wedged through the vehicles front grill. Amazingly, the koala wasn’t seriously hurt. Because of that, the Austrailian Wildlife Hospital dubbed him, “Lucky.” The hospital manager said, “He was very…

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Seven Dollars?

Most churches calculate their offerings “per person.” Take the amount of the offering and divide it by the total number of people in attendance. Established churches typically see about $20 to $30 per person. A new church will get a little less. Generally the people aren’t quite as committed to God or to the church.…

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People Are Sick In This Town

My wife works at a gym. She does administrative stuff so mostly she’s back in an office, but she’s very friendly and empathetic so it’s easy for her to get to know people. One lady who works out at the gym is a stripper. She was talking to Jen once and explained that she was…

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Had To Ask

I was in the store the other day, innocently walking through the produce section when something caught my eye… A pluot. I learned that a pluot is a hybrid of a plum and an apricot. And I’ve just got to ask: How drunk did they have to get the plum and the apricot to make…

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